We do pragmatic
data products. apps. startup bootstrapping.

We believe in building solutions that deliver just the value needed requiring the least resources. That's how we build mutual trust and enable clients to grow with us.

Data Products

We draw from the experience of building solutions for tens of millions of users and processing terabytes of data.

custom apps

Accelerate your business through technology. Safe time & money. Automate repeating tasks to finally focus on growing your business.

Startup Bootstrapping

You have an idea for a life-changing application, but knows nothing about technology? We'll build an app for you.

Our Story

Projects & Experience


Data & Personalization Platform

Data Platform handling tens of millions of users in Europe and Africa. We draw from the experience of designing & running it successfully over the years.


Salesforce Automation

Automate repeating tasks. Integrate all your IT systems. Make data working for you. Get actionable insights. We did various salesforce automation for clients from both US & Europe.


Web, Cloud & Data

We believe in choosing the right tool for every problem. Never trying to fit the problem to technologies we know best and always having a focus on solving the challenge.

How we work

Building Relationships


It's like dating - we need to get to know each other first. We carefully get to know your business and your problem. As we want to build deep understanding, this can take several meetings.


Not every relationship is meant to work. We need to spend some time verifying if we can offer you reasonable value and build a suitable business case for us.

Agile Development

We like to build things in an agile way. We will work together to establish what reasonably small increments will bring the most value to you. Just like in a relationship - constant communication on expectations is the right thing to do.

Long-Term Relation

We won't leave you once the honeymoon is over. We build responsibly and take responsibility. We do support, we do maintenance. And we use a deep understanding of your business to actively look for business opportunities technology can accelerate.

About rBytes

Our Team

Passionate about helping businesses grow through technology. Simply gets things done. Always focused on delivering business value first. Never leaves you with an unsolved issue.
Problem solver who finds aesthetics value in solutions featuring simplicity, excellence, and delivering just what is needed. Believes that specialists need to explore the vast landscape of their field to choose the right tools for every problem.
Insightful, honest - always gets to the bottom of things. She doesn't give up quickly and persistently pursues success.

From our blog

What keeps us going

Contact Us

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Contact Person

  • Kraków, PL
  • hello@rbytes.pl